Consulting and Ordering
for Various Types Paintings

About Us

The blue pencil is an active company in the field of selling and exporting various types of paintings such as oil painting, watercolor painting, volumetric painting and colored pencil drawing. We strive to offer a complete sample of the best and newest paintings by presenting a variety of art styles. It is worth mentioning that our number one priority is your satisfaction whcih in return brings about the support of the art industry. For further information about our products, fill in the inquiry form on our website and we will reach out to you in no time.

Our Best Products

Oil painting
Watercolor painting
Colored pencil drawing
Volumetric painting
Black pen art

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Product List

Product NameDescriptionPackage typeStockPrice
Oil painting-CustomAvailableAsk the Price
Watercolor painting-CustomAvailableAsk the Price
Colored pencil drawing-CustomAvailableAsk the Price

Product List

Product NamePrice
Oil paintingAsk the Price
Watercolor paintingAsk the Price
Colored pencil drawingAsk the Price

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Samineh Yazarloo